Thursday 5 April 2012

Thu 5 April: The Last Supper

So Lisa has arrived after the first leg of her journey - I went to meet her at Victoria and nearly messed up the whole trip by flying head over heels on a McDonalds smoothie - casually left on the platform! So near yet so far!! Luckily the only thing bruised was my ego and the adventure continues!

Time for a few hours kip before silly o'clock get up to meet Speedy Cabs at 5.30am - watch this space for updates - hopefully not too many from the gridlock that is supposed to be Heathrow airport! Next stop Abu Dhabi!!


  1. So how did I miss that you two were off doing this then? I thought the jabs were for some lazy far-flung holiday Anya.

    Glad you didn't fall at the first hurdle and hope that Speedy Cabs have you both well on your way by now.

    Off to seek out a way to donate.

    Will chack back, love to you both. Hope you packed the Compeed x

  2. So glad you didn't break anything! You should be well on your way by now, hope you are ready with your boots on (as per instructions) for when you land!!!! J xx

  3. Have a great time you two - will keep an eye on your adventure xxx
